Top 25 Wrestlers of all time – Michael Chapman

25. Bryan Danielson – Yes, the original ‘Best In The World’ is 25 on my list; By the time Daniel Bryan’s career is over he will probably be much, much higher on my list. Trained by both Steven Regal and Shawn Michaels, he can wrestle virtually any style and be the best in the ring at that moment and time. Doubts over his “marketability” have been easily brushed away.


24. C.M. Punk – Similar to Danielson the only reason Punk is this low on my list is his career is as yet incomplete. The self-proclaimed Best In The World is arguably just that, at least currently. Punk has charisma in bucket loads and whether you love him or hate him it’s the right kind of heat. You don’t hate him because he’s boring, you hate him because he is that damn good.


23. Chris Jericho – At one time he was considered the heir apparent to Shawn Michaels. He definitely can wrestle with the best of them, but as he has aged his matches have become a little repetative. Has Y2J spread himself too thin, what with the t.v. shows, the touring with his awful metal band Fozzy and now his radio/podcasting?


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