TTWP’s Elimination Chamber 2014 predictions


Elimination Chamber Predictions


*Predictions based on current match listing as of 2pm CST.


The Brotherhood (Goldust & Cody Rhodes) vs. Axel & Ryback

Not even sure why this is happening, the WWE suddenly have buried the Rhodes’ as the non-PPV opener while Titus O’Neill vs. Darren Young get on the broadcast. That said I think the only reason is so they can pit Goldust versus Cody at Wrestle Mania.

Winner: Axel & Ryback



Titus O’Neil vs Darren Young

Honestly? Who cares…

Winner: O’Neil



Big E Langston (c) vs Jack Swagger

Again not really sure why this match is happening. I couldn’t care less about Big E and his title run. Jack Swagger on the other hand is a talented performer with sadly weak mic skills. I think Langston wins here because… well, he is Cena’s workout buddy.

Winner: Big E Langston



New Age Outlaws (c) vs The Uso’s

Surely this is an attempt to make things right by Mr. Levesque, no? The grumbling must have been audible, muted as it probably was, when James and Gunn won the titles. The Uso’s are apparently the new darlings of the tag team division as the WWE seems unable to leave a great thing alone. Yes, I am referring to both The Shield’s slow burn break-up (which in a way we should celebrate) and the short run The Brotherhood had as champs.

Winner: The Uso’s



Batista vs Alberto Del Rio

Look, whatever blackmail Dos Caras has on Vincent Kennedy McMahon, it doesn’t seem to extend so far as to not feed his son to The Animal. In what equates to a squash match on a PPV, I don’t think ADR can carry Big Dave to anything better than a three star match.

Winner: Batista

The Wyatt Family vs The Shield

In a match that could easily still the show, we see six of the most exciting newcomers to the WWE Universe. While I was slow to warm to Rowan and Harper, specifically Luke Harper has impressed me massively. He not only has the in-ring chops to be a monster but he has the natural ability to draw the attention of the viewer. That, combined with the amazing ability of The Shield to bring me back to the days of amazing six man matches adds up to a match we may just never forget. It will also be the loss that creates the biggest crack in The Shield. I’d look for a 2 on 1 handicap match at WM, Ambrose and Rollins versus Roman Reigns.

Winner: The Wyatt Family



The Elimination Chamber match (for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

Orton (c) vs Bryan vs Cena vs Sheamus vs Cesaro vs Christian

It’s a massive match with the potential for so many storylines to be addressed it is a shame, almost, that they are all having to take place in one match. With the rumors flying over the past couple of days that Brock Lesnar will replace Christian. Somehow I feel that it will be a way to try and defuse the “hijacking” Daniel Bryan lovers who continue to do their best Occupy WWE impersonation. That, by the way is not a knock as I am one of those fan boys and girls. I can see Lesnar causing Bryan the title which leads to a co-main event for WMXXX of Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar in New Orleans. This of course allows Randy Orton to retain as Cena will somehow be taken out by Bray Wyatt, leading to their match at “The Grandest Stage of Them All”. What about Antonio Cesaro you ask? He will be paired off against Sheamus at WMXXX, because the Irishman needs a big check and Cesaro is the hot ticket (deservedly so) right now.

Winner: Randy Orton


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