TRUE OR FALSE – Royal Rumble | Shinsuke Nakamura | Bullet Club in WWE | Wrestle Kingdom | ICW Square Go


It’s TRUE OR FALSE – A feature that allows the Triple Threat Wrestling contributors to contemplate recent and upcoming events in the world of Professional Wrestling.

Asking the hard questions this week is CHRIS GALLAGHER and the people behind the answers are Michael Chapman, Sharon Gallacher and Larry Reid


1. Roman Reigns entering the Rumble, while being the current WWE champion, is refreshing and exciting.

Michael Chapman: False – It’s total shit. McMahon is just begging for the fans to shit all over him again.
Sharon Gallacher: False – They have already made him seem like a fake champion, this current twist just highlights it even more. I prefer the traditional approach to Royal Rumble for a wrestler earning his title shot at Wrestlemania.
Larry Reid: False – Roman is the guy for just now because who else do they have? He’s just the Samoan Cena and he lacks the charisma or pull but when your big draw is gone, what can you do? Next best thing is never really the best thing is it?

2. Shinsuke Nakamura will sign for the WWE and move to the top roster where he will be allowed to flourish.

Loves a free kick does Naka
Michael Chapman: False – While he will go to the main roster, McMahon will saddle him with some shit gimmick like a Charlie Chan character.
Sharon Gallacher: False – What we will get will be a diluted version of Nakamura if he moves to WWE…. and nobody wants to see that.
Larry Reid: True – It’s true on the first point at least, as all signs point to him joining but I believe they will have him in NXT for now. WWE don’t have a good track record with foreign wrestlers, never mind Japanese ones, so I am worried.

3. With the proposed signings being brought into WWE, you would like to see a reformation of #Bullet Club used in an invasion angle on WWE Television.

Aha wanted new interesting promo photos
Michael Chapman: False – I don’t want an invasion angle but I would like them in a feud with the current stables; Wyatts, League of Nations, etc
Sharon Gallacher: True – If the signings are true then yes because i have no interest in the current factions WWE has right now.
Larry Reid: False – It’s been done too many times and they weren’t handled very well, the WCW invasion, Nexus etc… just didn’t go anywhere really, so I don’t think it’s what the fans want.

4. Wrestle Kingdom 10 was the best PPV of the last 12 months.

Japan – The Kingdom of Wrestling, like Fife only with Wrestling Ken?
Michael Chapman: False – Don’t be ridiculous; Wrestle Kingdom 9 happened within the last 12 months.
Sharon Gallacher: True – From start to finish.
Larry Reid: False – It was great but NXT Brooklyn was the highlight of the last 12 months in my opinion. A great card topped by a Meltzer 5 starred women’s match that set a very high bar.

5. The booking of Timothy Thatcher vs Jack Gallagher for promotions around the UK is exactly why Independent wrestling is better than the mainstream.

Just awesome
Michael Chapman: TRUE – Timothy Thatcher is a god, end of.
Sharon Gallacher: True – This is the beauty of independent wrestling. This is a pure wrestling match that you wouldn’t see on WWE Television.
Larry Reid: True – Seeing those guys wrestle is just dream booking and goes to show you don’t have to attend major events to see top class wrestling. In fact it’s 9 times out of 10 in some small hall. Independent wrestling will always be the constant.

6. Joe Hendry is the obvious choice to win the Square Go and become the new top contender for the ICW title.

We fell in love with that face
Michael Chapman: True – If nothing else his last name sounds like Joe Pesci saying Henry in Goodfellas.
Sharon Gallacher: False – Joe Coffey is the obvious choice. Since Barramania he has had no other title shot so if he’s not given one he’ll have to take it himself by having the chance to cash in at anytime and on his terms.
Larry Reid: False – I think smart money is on Damo, he deserves the briefcase and also that title.




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