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Billy Corgan buys the NWA… now what?

With the news breaking Monday afternoon, confirmed by Bruce Tharpe later that day in a Facebook post, we thought maybe Mr. Corgan isn’t receiving quite enough suggestions. We’ve decided to send him some of ours… 5 things Billy Corgan should do immediately: Get a better NWA Archives streaming service up, hire the same folks that do Major League Baseball or Fox Sports streaming… Presuming the … Continue reading Billy Corgan buys the NWA… now what?

@NUFC_monkey’s favorite matches of New Japan’s G1 Climax 26

  While I would definitely urge everyone to watch all of the matches listed below, I have not ranked them in order that I most enjoyed them. That said there will be some that won’t appear but are on other people’s lists. Unlike what many seem to think all art is not subjective. To paraphrase my podcast co-host Chris Gallaher ( @TheGallatron ) on a … Continue reading @NUFC_monkey’s favorite matches of New Japan’s G1 Climax 26

Triple Threat Wrestling’s MOTY candidates

Choosing a match of the year puts one in a precarious position, especially if you share it amongst more than just a close circle of friends. If you publish said choice, wether on social media or an article you open yourself up to trolls, uneducated but honest criticism and also legitimate educated criticism. The legitimate criticism is fine, trolling is to be ignored, but it’s the uneducated honest critics that are maddening. Continue reading Triple Threat Wrestling’s MOTY candidates

Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

As I have aged I generally try to stay away from over-simplifications, especially when it comes to people. I have tried to keep an open mind, always remembering that each person has their own personal demons to battle. That many times the sum of a person is a result of un-controllable factors such as environment and genetics. That said there is one very nagging prejudice … Continue reading Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

My Nite at St. Louis Anarchy Ready To Rumble Nite Two

Well folks, Saint Louis Anarchy did it once again! By all accounts both nites sent the fans home happy. As for this fan I couldn’t have been more pleased with the result of the 30 man Battle Royale where Granite City’s Wrestling Saviour Mat Fitchett came out the winner! Below are some of the quick snaps I was able to get on my sub-par iPhone … Continue reading My Nite at St. Louis Anarchy Ready To Rumble Nite Two

Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

Zack Sabre Jr. – How good is he? He is so good, that after i’ve gone down the rabbit hole watching a number of his matches in a row,  I’m just not satisfied by any other matches for several days after. I legit have to watch something mind-blowingly amazing so that it shocks me out of my ZSJ trance. Something like a Misawa v. Vader … Continue reading Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

My Nite at PWCS: Stage Four

Pro Wrestling Championship Series: Stage Four was alot of fun! So much so that i forget to take photos during the opening tag match and another great brawl mid-way into the card. For more details on the winners and losers please go to: Davey Vega (@DaveyVega85) hits a massive gut wrench suplae on Evan Gelistico (@Pistol_Danger) Vega questions the ref Sean Orlean’s (@hakimdropsball) two count … Continue reading My Nite at PWCS: Stage Four