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Billy Corgan buys the NWA… now what?

With the news breaking Monday afternoon, confirmed by Bruce Tharpe later that day in a Facebook post, we thought maybe Mr. Corgan isn’t receiving quite enough suggestions. We’ve decided to send him some of ours… 5 things Billy Corgan should do immediately: Get a better NWA Archives streaming service up, hire the same folks that do Major League Baseball or Fox Sports streaming… Presuming the … Continue reading Billy Corgan buys the NWA… now what?

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What Did I Do in 2015? I Watched A Lot of Professional Wrestling

  It’s March so why am I doing my 2015 Matches of the year a full three months into 2016? Well I guess you could say I needed time to think. I went to a lot of shows in 2015, mainly Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) but also Discovery Wrestling, Scottish Wrestling Alliance (SWA), Premier British Wrestling (PBW) and a few other promotions. I saw some good matches and … Continue reading What Did I Do in 2015? I Watched A Lot of Professional Wrestling

TRUE OR FALSE – Royal Rumble | Shinsuke Nakamura | Bullet Club in WWE | Wrestle Kingdom | ICW Square Go

It’s TRUE OR FALSE – A feature that allows the Triple Threat Wrestling contributors to contemplate recent and upcoming events in the world of Professional Wrestling. Asking the hard questions this week is CHRIS GALLAGHER and the people behind the answers are Michael Chapman, Sharon Gallacher and Larry Reid   1. Roman Reigns entering the Rumble, while being the current WWE champion, is refreshing and exciting. Michael Chapman: False – It’s total … Continue reading TRUE OR FALSE – Royal Rumble | Shinsuke Nakamura | Bullet Club in WWE | Wrestle Kingdom | ICW Square Go

My Personal Road To Fear & Loathing VIII

4 years ago, I was sitting in my flat bored to tears when my I received a Facebook message from my friend David Grimason asking what my plans were for the night, I told him probably nothing and he suggested I head to The Classic Grand in Glasgow and check out a local wrestling promotion. I had been a long time fan of wrestling from … Continue reading My Personal Road To Fear & Loathing VIII

Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

Zack Sabre Jr. – How good is he? He is so good, that after i’ve gone down the rabbit hole watching a number of his matches in a row,  I’m just not satisfied by any other matches for several days after. I legit have to watch something mind-blowingly amazing so that it shocks me out of my ZSJ trance. Something like a Misawa v. Vader … Continue reading Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

My Nite at PWCS: Stage Four

Pro Wrestling Championship Series: Stage Four was alot of fun! So much so that i forget to take photos during the opening tag match and another great brawl mid-way into the card. For more details on the winners and losers please go to: Davey Vega (@DaveyVega85) hits a massive gut wrench suplae on Evan Gelistico (@Pistol_Danger) Vega questions the ref Sean Orlean’s (@hakimdropsball) two count … Continue reading My Nite at PWCS: Stage Four

Has Global Force Wrestling Jumped Aboard The Titanic?

Has TNA received a stay of execution, or as more wrestlers are rumored to be jumping ship post-Slammiversary is it doomed, and is it taking Global Force Wrestling with it to the bottom of the sea? As most pro wrestling pundits like to point out the more successful promotions out there the better for the business, the fans and the wrestlers. But when the second … Continue reading Has Global Force Wrestling Jumped Aboard The Titanic?

2015 Best Of the Super Junior Final: KUSHIDA vs O’Reilly

To anyone who will listen, this old wrestling fan speaks about how lucky we are as pro wrestling fans in 2015. With technology what it is we can now watch more wrestling from various places in the world then ever before. From the WWE Network, to streaming ICW in Scotland, Progress Wrestling in England, Evolve and Dragon Gate on WWN in America, and New Japan … Continue reading 2015 Best Of the Super Junior Final: KUSHIDA vs O’Reilly


Unless you’ve been living under a rock (not Dwayne Johnson) and failed to realise it WrestleMania 31, The Superbowl Of Wrestling, took place this past weekend. On the grandest stage of them all in front of over 75,000 fans the superstars of WWE battled it out in various matches, to secure victory and to etch their place in WrestleMania history. There is always one match … Continue reading THE UNDERTAKER: IS HE READY TO REST IN PEACE?