Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

As I have aged I generally try to stay away from over-simplifications, especially when it comes to people. I have tried to keep an open mind, always remembering that each person has their own personal demons to battle. That many times the sum of a person is a result of un-controllable factors such as environment and genetics. That said there is one very nagging prejudice … Continue reading Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

Say it ain’t so Punk… Say in ain’t so…

Amongst my friends, family and the @TTW_podcast universe my steadfast love for C.M. Punk is commonly known. The regard for which I hold both his in-ring and outside of the ring performance is nearly unmatched. That is why I was shocked, and hurt even, by recent comments the former IWA/OVW/ROH/ECW/WWE champion made in a recent Sports Illustrated article.  “For whatever reason, people get angry at … Continue reading Say it ain’t so Punk… Say in ain’t so…

TTW Podcast’s WrestleMania XXX Predictions

Yes ladies and gentlemen it is time for the annual pay-per-view that is “grandest stage of them all”, as the company who trademarked the phrase Sports Entertainment is so fond of saying, repeatedly. The cynic in me wants to complain about the poorly executed build up for Undertaker and Brock Lesnar match, and the notion of having one battle royal and one Divas pseudo-Battle Royal … Continue reading TTW Podcast’s WrestleMania XXX Predictions

Batista: A Massive Miscalculation

We may never truly know who within the WWE hierarchy made the final decision to bring Dave Bautista back. What we do know is it was a massive miscalculation, as the recent weeks have shown. Gone are the days when the “universe” will cheer mindlessly for overly muscled ex-power lifters who have no in-ring skill. Nor will they accept, as a top star, an ex-football … Continue reading Batista: A Massive Miscalculation