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Triple Threat Wrestling PODCAST – The Mount Rushmore of Podcasting

Triple Threat Podcast: The Mount Rushmore of Podcasting It’s the Triple Threat Wrestling Podcast featuring Chris Gallagher (@TheGallatron) and ‘Handsome’ Michael Chapman (@NUFC_monkey) In the latest episode we talk over the final of the NJPW G1 tournament and what Kenny Omega could bring to any promotion in the world. We discuss the importance of pacing in matches and look over highlights of recent NJPW shows. … Continue reading Triple Threat Wrestling PODCAST – The Mount Rushmore of Podcasting

Triple Threat Wrestling’s MOTY candidates

Choosing a match of the year puts one in a precarious position, especially if you share it amongst more than just a close circle of friends. If you publish said choice, wether on social media or an article you open yourself up to trolls, uneducated but honest criticism and also legitimate educated criticism. The legitimate criticism is fine, trolling is to be ignored, but it’s the uneducated honest critics that are maddening. Continue reading Triple Threat Wrestling’s MOTY candidates

TRUE OR FALSE – Royal Rumble | Shinsuke Nakamura | Bullet Club in WWE | Wrestle Kingdom | ICW Square Go

It’s TRUE OR FALSE – A feature that allows the Triple Threat Wrestling contributors to contemplate recent and upcoming events in the world of Professional Wrestling. Asking the hard questions this week is CHRIS GALLAGHER and the people behind the answers are Michael Chapman, Sharon Gallacher and Larry Reid   1. Roman Reigns entering the Rumble, while being the current WWE champion, is refreshing and exciting. Michael Chapman: False – It’s total … Continue reading TRUE OR FALSE – Royal Rumble | Shinsuke Nakamura | Bullet Club in WWE | Wrestle Kingdom | ICW Square Go

Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

As I have aged I generally try to stay away from over-simplifications, especially when it comes to people. I have tried to keep an open mind, always remembering that each person has their own personal demons to battle. That many times the sum of a person is a result of un-controllable factors such as environment and genetics. That said there is one very nagging prejudice … Continue reading Open letter from a frustrated pro wrestling fan

Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

Zack Sabre Jr. – How good is he? He is so good, that after i’ve gone down the rabbit hole watching a number of his matches in a row,  I’m just not satisfied by any other matches for several days after. I legit have to watch something mind-blowingly amazing so that it shocks me out of my ZSJ trance. Something like a Misawa v. Vader … Continue reading Top Five Wrestlers In The World: October Edition

Does Triple H now have ‘The Book’?

In the past few weeks we’ve seen a rather drastic change in the booking on RAW, and to be honest it’s been glorious. The already fantastic program between Kevin Steen and John Cena has been made fresh by the recent inclusion of Antonio Cesaro into the feud. Then last night Rusev was introduced to the mix, potentially to re-create the ever popular Switzerland vs Bulgaria … Continue reading Does Triple H now have ‘The Book’?

Has Global Force Wrestling Jumped Aboard The Titanic?

Has TNA received a stay of execution, or as more wrestlers are rumored to be jumping ship post-Slammiversary is it doomed, and is it taking Global Force Wrestling with it to the bottom of the sea? As most pro wrestling pundits like to point out the more successful promotions out there the better for the business, the fans and the wrestlers. But when the second … Continue reading Has Global Force Wrestling Jumped Aboard The Titanic?

Dusty Rhodes: Blazing a trail for others

When a man reaches for the stars, some times he grasps them. More often than not he falls flat on his face. In Dusty Rhodes life he did both, many times, and with great joy and success while trying. Virgil Runnels was the kind of guy that everyone has a kind word for, seemingly so. Even his disastrous booking ideas, like The Shockmaster and 1991’s … Continue reading Dusty Rhodes: Blazing a trail for others

Is The Tide Turning In The WWE?

Is the tide turning in WWE? It certainly seems like this could be true, as the weeks since WrestleMania have provided us with possible signs that power is shifting behind the scenes in Stamford, Connecticut. Now let me be clear that I am not saying Vince McMahon is no longer the final word when it comes to booking decisions. It does look as though he … Continue reading Is The Tide Turning In The WWE?